Therapy for Adolescents
We can help you with:
Mood (Depression and Seasonal)
Anxiety (Separation, Health, and Social)
- Pandemic related Changes
- Family Conflict
Big Transitions (Home, Family Structure, School, Work)
Loss of a Loved One
Parental Separation or Divorce
Academic Performance and Difficulties
Existential Inquiries
Insomnia and Sleep Difficulties
Communication Breakdowns
Sexual Identity
Gender Concerns
Interpersonal Conflict
Low Self-Esteem
Perfectionism and Self-Criticism
Body Image Concerns
Anger Issues
Panic Attacks and Disorder
Phobias and Fears
Obsessions and Complusions
Procrastination and Avoidance
Issues pertaining to the LGBTQ
Cultural Transitions
Parent-Child Relationship
Disagreement with Siblings
Grief and Loss
Relationship Stress
ADHD and Learning Disorders
Important Life Decisions (Higher Education)
Social Isolation/Strained Peer Relations
And More!